The Homeless
World Cup is an annual event, in which teams composed by homeless people from
all over the world meet for a Football World Cup. In 2010 the tournament took
place in Rio de Janeiro. For the first time, the organizing committee decided
to build a Legacy Center, whose objective is to create continuity of the work
with sport as a mean for social change.

international design competition for the Legacy Center has been organized by
Architecture for Humanity, together with Homeless World Cup, Bola Pra Frente
and Nike Game Changers.
Lompreta Nolte
Arquitetos and Nanda Eskes Arquitetura were
the authors of the winning entry, and since January 2010 have developed the
project for a Community Center in Santa Cruz (suburb of Rio de Janeiro)
together with Daniel Feldman, design fellow ofArchitecture For Humanity. The project sponsored by Nike Game
Changers had to work with an extremely limited budget and was divided in two
construction phases, the first a public community facility, the second to host
the Institute Bola Pra Frente.
Courtesy of
Lompreta Nolte Arquitetos, Nanda Eskes Arquiteturasection

For the first
phase, inaugurated in October 2010, the architects imagined a building that
performs as a ramp. It functions as a sloped public square, with vegetation and
landscaping, including seats. The ramp can also work as a stand for cultural
activities, shows, films, etc… Furthermore it symbolizes the arrival of the
Institute Bola Pra Frente and will be the future access to the second
construction phase. From above the ramp, people have a new perspective of the
community and the environment; a new perspective which symbolizes the change,
which Bola Pra Frente brings to the community of Santa Cruz with its work of
integration by the use of sport as a social catalyst.

The building
under the ramp contains locker rooms, restrooms, a classroom and seats to watch
the football pitch. The facade faces the pitch and the roof-ramp faces the
cultural activities. On event days people gather all around the building,
bringing active life to this part of the community. The architecture works as a
fluid object, where floors and ramps, facades and ceiling represent one single
Courtesy of
Lompreta Nolte Arquitetos, Nanda Eskes Arquitetura
The materials
used in the low budget construction reflect an industrial language: walls and
floors in cement, facades in metal mesh and translucent roofing elements,
ceiling in OSB.
For the
conclusion of the ramp-square, the architects are planning a community-based
process, in which the finishing for the seats and ramp are to be made together
with the local community. Recycled materials, residues from the local
industries, are to be used. The aim is to start a process of
professionalization for community members and create a sustainable living for
local families.

The second phase
of the project – the Institute Bola Pra Frente – will sum about 3.000m² and is
actually in phase of conception and fund raising.
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